Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Melinda Hegeman
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
"Greetings From Sioux Falls" Art Show
“The physical world is the same as it was back then; we are the ones who change. However, we are still connected to those who came before us because common elements, such as nature and human emotion, will never leave.” - Martin Venezky
As a lover of nostalgic art, I knew I wanted to do something that would put these words by Venezky into visual means. Greetings From Sioux Falls, South Dakota is an expansion and final piece of my reflective studies in photography focusing on the reflection of time and memories. Working with the old photos of Sioux Falls not only allowed me to learn about the city, but also to reflect on my time spent there. After revisiting and photographing the sites where the original photos were taken, I manipulated and fused together the two photographs resulting in one composition. Though in these compositions the landscapes around the structure and the structure itself might have minor alterations, the history still remains resulting in a reflective experience of what was and what is for myself, and the viewer.